Hip hop news updates: President Ruto Promises to Boost Security in Laisamiss Constituency

Saturday, November 25, 2023

President Ruto Promises to Boost Security in Laisamiss Constituency

President William Samoei Ruto has assured the residents of Laisamiss constituency in Marsabit county that he will deploy more security officers to the area to curb the rampant cases of insecurity and livestock theft.

The Head of State was speaking on Saturday, November 25, 2023, at a public rally in Marsabit town, where he was accompanied by several local leaders, including Laisamiss MP Joseph Lekuton.

Lekuton had earlier raised the issue of insecurity in his constituency, saying that many people had lost their animals and lives to armed bandits who often crossed the border from neighboring countries.

He appealed to the President to send more soldiers and police officers to the vast and remote constituency, which covers about 25,000 square kilometers.

President Ruto responded by promising to fulfill the MP’s request and ensure that peace and stability prevailed in the region.

He said that security was a fundamental right for all Kenyans and a prerequisite for economic development.

He added that he wanted the children of Laisamiss to access quality education without fear of being attacked or disrupted by criminals.

“I agree with leaders who spoke before me that there is a dire need of increasing security officers in this area so that our children can undertake their studies without fear. Each place your leaders mentioned that needs heightened security, I want to make a pledge to you people of Marsabit that I will send enough security officers in the listed areas. I want to thank your Member of Parliament Joseph Lekuton. You said that you need soldiers and I will send them to you so that we can ensure that there is enough security in this constituency of Laisamiss. Security is a right for all Kenyans and we will provide it so that we can build our economy,” President Ruto stated.

The President also urged the residents to embrace unity and harmony among themselves and with their neighbors, saying that violence and hatred would only derail the progress of the country.

He further commended the people of Marsabit for supporting his government and his agenda of transforming Kenya into a prosperous and inclusive nation.

He said that he would continue to implement various development projects in the county, such as roads, water, health, and education.

He also asked the voters to give him another term in office in the upcoming 2024 general elections, saying that he had more plans and programs for them.

The President’s visit to Marsabit was part of his nationwide tour to popularize his re-election bid and to inspect and launch various development initiatives.

He was received by a huge crowd of supporters who waved placards and chanted slogans in his favor.

The rally was also attended by several governors, senators, MPs, and MCAs from the region, who pledged their loyalty and support to the President.


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