Hip hop news updates: Tommie Lee Quits Rehab, Says It Was Worse Than Jail

Friday, December 29, 2023

Tommie Lee Quits Rehab, Says It Was Worse Than Jail


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Tommie Lee, the reality TV star and rapper, has decided to leave rehab after only a few weeks, saying that it was worse than being in jail. Lee, who has been open about her struggles with substance abuse, was ordered by a judge to enter a residential treatment program as part of her probation for a child abuse case.

However, Lee said that she felt like she was in a prison instead of a healing place, and that the rehab staff treated her poorly. She also said that being in rehab made her crave drugs and alcohol even more, and that she felt like she was losing her sanity.

Lee posted a video on Instagram, where she explained her reasons for quitting rehab. She said that she was not getting the help she needed, and that she was better off on her own. She also said that she was not going to let anyone judge her for her decision, and that she was still working on herself.

Lee's fans and followers had mixed reactions to her video. Some supported her and wished her well, while others criticized her and urged her to go back to rehab. Some also expressed concern for her mental health and safety.

Lee has not revealed what her next steps are, or how her decision will affect her legal situation. She is currently facing multiple charges, including aggravated assault, child cruelty, battery, and obstruction of an officer. She could face up to 54 years in prison if convicted.

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