Hip hop news updates: "Drake is better than all these guys beefîng him. They're just hatîng on him cuz he's coloured." Lil Wayne

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

"Drake is better than all these guys beefîng him. They're just hatîng on him cuz he's coloured." Lil Wayne

 "Drake is better than all these guys beefîng him. They're just hatîng on him cuz he's coloured." Lil Wayne 

"Drake is one of the greatest to ever hold a microphone. He's better than all these rappers beefîng him but they just hâte him because he's lightskinned. He's what we refer to as coloured. It's just American history to móck at lightskinned dudes, I used to do that too. But no matter how much they hâte on Drake, it's not gonna change the fact that he's better than them." Lil Wayne 



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