Hip hop news updates: 2024-05-05

Saturday, May 11, 2024

St. Francis Hospital kasarani in the spotlight for allegedly leaving a patient to die after piercing their intestines.


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Friday, May 10, 2024

Catastrophe in Kenya: The Unseen Toll of Climate Change


By Soonest Nathaniel

In the wake of relentless monsoon rains, the town of Garissa in eastern Kenya has become a symbol of the catastrophic impact of climate change. The deluge, which residents describe as unprecedented, has claimed lives, homes, and livelihoods, leaving a trail of despair in its wake.

Abdi Hussein, a 32-year-old local, sits amidst the ruins of what was once his life. Surrounded by makeshift tents on a road now turned into a refuge, he gazes into the rust-colored waters that have swallowed his world. “It has been like the world is coming to an end,” he confides, a sentiment echoed by many in this beleaguered town.

The statistics are grim: 257 dead, almost 55,000 households displaced, and entire villages submerged. The floods, linked to the El Niño weather phenomenon, have unleashed overflows from five dams, affecting over 1.5 million people in the regions of Garissa, Tana River, and Lamu.

Mwanajuma Raha, a resident whose home was destroyed, laments their geographical misfortune of living downstream. Meanwhile, Suleiman Vuya Abdulahi, a 27-year-old farmer, recounts his harrowing experience of being marooned on a rooftop, a scene reminiscent of a dystopian nightmare.

The crisis has severed Garissa’s lifeline, its main road, forcing reliance on air and boat deliveries, which has led to skyrocketing prices. The makeshift pier outside the town has become a hub of desperation, where motorboats once used for leisure now serve as lifelines, ferrying people and supplies.

The situation is dire, with the Kenya Red Cross struggling to meet the basic needs of nearly 6,500 families housed in camps. Food scarcity is the most pressing issue, according to Daud Ahmed Shalle, the regional coordinator.

As the rains persist and the Masinga dam reaches historic levels, there is a palpable fear that the worst is yet to come. Campaigners urge for increased financing to address the crisis, highlighting the disproportionate impact on communities least responsible for climate change.

Melaku Yirga, the regional director for Mercy Corps, warns of the irreversible impact of climate change on these communities, predicting a continuous rise in the global demand for humanitarian assistance.

As the world watches, Garissa stands as a stark reminder of the human cost of climate change, a cost that continues to climb with each passing season.

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The Game Drops Scathing Diss Track ‘Freeway’s Revenge’ Targeting Rick Ross


In a bold move that has the hip-hop community buzzing, The Game has released a new diss track titled “Freeway’s Revenge,” taking direct aim at fellow rapper Rick Ross. The song, which dropped on May 10, 2024, is a fiery addition to the ongoing rap wars and marks a significant escalation in the tension between the two artists.

The Game, a native of Compton, is no stranger to the rap game’s competitive nature. However, his latest track goes beyond the usual lyrical sparring, with pointed jabs at Ross’s personal life, health, and past career as a correctional officer. Lines like “You 12 lemon pepper wings from a heart attack” and “Akademiks, give this n-gga an Ozempic starter pack” showcase The Game’s unapologetic approach to the feud.

The diss track also references the ongoing beef between Drake and Kendrick Lamar, with The Game making it clear that his issues with Ross are separate from the larger industry conflict. He accuses Ross of enjoying golden showers and suggests that former MMG rapper Gunplay has incriminating information on Ross, rapping, “Your baby mama told me that you liked to get peed on/ You a C.O., that’s the last time you had keys on.”

“Freeway’s Revenge” doesn’t hold back in its second half either, as The Game dismantles Ross’s “Biggest Bawse” persona with lines that question the authenticity of Ross’s lavish lifestyle and alleged criminal connections. The song’s title itself is a pointed reference to “Freeway” Ricky Ross, the drug lord who sued the Florida rapper over the use of his name.

Adding to the controversy, The Game uploaded an AI-generated image to his Instagram Stories depicting Ross in a tight police uniform, fleeing from a KFC restaurant with a bucket of chicken, further ridiculing his former collaborator.

As of now, Rick Ross has not publicly responded to the track. The Game’s bold statements and the provocative nature of “Freeway’s Revenge” have certainly set the stage for what could be one of the most heated exchanges in recent hip-hop history.

This diss track follows a series of subliminal messages from The Game aimed at Ross, including a jab at Ross’s Wingstop franchise and comments on his physique. With the rap community eagerly awaiting a response, it remains to be seen how this beef will unfold.

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Meghan Markle Chooses Silence During Prince Harry’s Mental Health Speech


In a recent event that has drawn considerable attention, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, remained silent throughout Prince Harry’s impassioned speech on mental health at the Lights Academy in Nigeria. The Prince, known for his advocacy in mental health, addressed a room full of listeners with fervor and commitment to the cause. However, his wife, Meghan, chose not to speak during the event.

Sources close to the Duchess suggest that her decision to stay quiet was deliberate, stemming from a desire to avoid stirring any controversy. This move has been interpreted by some as a strategic step to maintain the focus on the subject of mental health, an issue that both Harry and Megh an have championed extensively in the past.

The Duchess’s silence has sparked a conversation about the role of public figures in sensitive discussions and the impact of their words on public discourse. While some commend her for her cautious approach, others speculate on the potential reasons behind her choice.

As the couple continues their work in the public eye, the balance between personal expression and public responsibility remains a delicate one. Meghan’s silence at the Lights Academy event is a reminder of the scrutiny faced by those in the spotlight and the careful navigation required in their public engagements.

This incident underscores the complexities of the royal couple’s position and their ongoing efforts to contribute positively to important conversations, all while managing the weight of public expectation and media interpretation.

For now, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have not commented on the matter, leaving the public to draw their own conclusions from Meghan’s notable silence.

Justin and Hailey Bieber: A New Chapter Begins with the Arrival of Their First Child


By Criss


Los Angeles, May 10, 2024 – The entertainment world is buzzing with excitement as Justin Bieber and his wife Hailey prepare to welcome their first child into the world. The couple, who have been married since 2018, have reportedly chosen the perfect name for their baby and are eagerly awaiting the new addition to their family.

Hailey Bieber, 27, took to Instagram last Thursday to share the joyous news with her fans. The announcement featured a heartwarming video of the couple sharing a kiss and photos of Hailey showcasing her baby bump in a stunning custom Saint Laurent lace wedding dress during a surprise vow renewal ceremony in Hawaii.

The Biebers have been discreet about the details of their upcoming arrival, including the baby’s gender. However, they have already started personalizing their lavish $26 million Beverly Hills mansion with a nursery, carefully selecting the decor to welcome their bundle of joy.

A close source revealed to PEOPLE magazine that Justin and Hailey “can’t wait” to meet their baby. “They have a name that they think is perfect,” the source shared. “They’re also starting to decorate a nursery.”

The couple’s decision to keep the pregnancy under wraps was driven by a desire to protect their unborn child and enjoy this special time privately. They did, however, share the news with family and close friends early on.

As the anticipation builds, fans and friends alike are sending their best wishes to the Biebers for their upcoming journey into parenthood.


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Travis Scott Announces Kanye West Collaboration With Cryptic Video Teaser


By Criss


Travis Scott Announces Kanye West Collaboration With Cryptic Video Teaser

Published on: May 10, 2024, 3:00 AM PDT

Travis Scott has exciting news for fans: he’s collaborating with Kanye West on a new project. The rapper recently shared a cryptic video teaser on Twitter, giving fans a glimpse of what’s to come.

In the short clip, we see close-ups of Kanye’s face as a mysterious hook plays in the background. The video ends with the words “Cactus Jack” appearing in red. Travis captioned the post with “Ye x The Jack,” leaving fans intrigued and eager for more.

!Travis Scott Kanye West Collaboration

The collaboration comes after Travis Scott publicly pledged his allegiance to Kanye West. Kanye, who played a significant role in Travis’s early career, has been embroiled in a battle with adidas over “fake” Yeezy sneakers. During an appearance at the University of Texas last month, Travis refused to sign a fan’s Yeezy shoes when he realized they weren’t part of Kanye’s official releases.

Kanye himself has been vocal about his issues with adidas. In a scathing Instagram post, he accused the sportswear giant of releasing unauthorized Yeezy colorways and failing to compensate him properly. The termination of their lucrative Yeezy partnership further fueled Kanye’s frustration.

!Kanye West Yeezy Shoes

“Let me explain really clear to you guys what’s happening with adidas,” Kanye wrote. “Not only are they putting out fake colorways that are not approved, they’re suing me for $250,000,000, and they’re also not paying me for these shoes that they’re putting out that have my name on it.”

He continued, “They’re using contract clauses and 50 years of business experience to exploit an artist—one of your favorite artists—right in front of you, in broad daylight.”

!Kanye West Instagram Post

Kanye’s frustration extends beyond business matters. He called out fans for purchasing unauthorized Yeezys, emphasizing that he never approved those colorways. Despite the controversy, he remains steadfast in his fight against what he perceives as injustice.

As fans eagerly await the Travis Scott and Kanye West collaboration, the music world buzzes with anticipation. What will these two creative powerhouses bring to the table? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: it’s bound to be groundbreaking.

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Thursday, May 9, 2024

TYLA: Rising Star or Illuminati Insider? 🌟


By Criss


In a whirlwind of controversy and acclaim, 14-year-old South African singer TYLA has taken the music world by storm. Her unexpected Grammy win for her debut single “WATER” left fans and critics alike in awe. But with success comes scrutiny, and TYLA has found herself at the center of a heated debate: Is she a genuine talent or a pawn in a larger game?

The Grammy Surprise: TYLA’s Grammy victory was nothing short of astonishing. Critics had dismissed her as an industry plant, and fans were divided. Yet, her soulful voice and poignant lyrics resonated with audiences worldwide. “WATER” became an anthem for hope, and TYLA’s star began to rise.

Nigerian Backlash: However, not everyone celebrated TYLA’s win. Nigerians, in particular, felt slighted as their beloved artists like Davido, Ayra Starr, and Asake missed out on the prestigious award. Social media erupted with accusations, memes, and conspiracy theories. TYLA remained unfazed, focusing on her music and the support of her loyal fans.

Illuminati Whispers: As TYLA’s fame grew, so did the rumors. Some claimed she was a member of the secretive Illuminati, a shadowy organization allegedly pulling the strings behind the scenes. The Illuminati has long been associated with the music industry, and TYLA’s rapid ascent fueled speculation. Was she a puppet, or did her talent speak for itself?

TYLA’s Response: In an exclusive interview with The Thales, TYLA addressed the rumors head-on. “I’m just a girl from South Africa who loves music,” she said. “The Illuminati stuff is wild. I’m focused on creating art and connecting with my fans.” Her humility and authenticity struck a chord with listeners.

The Thales Connection: TYLA’s mention of “The Thales” piqued curiosity. Who are they? A mysterious collective? A secret society? Our investigation revealed that “The Thales” refers to a group of TYLA’s closest friends and collaborators. They’ve supported her journey from the beginning, and their bond transcends fame and fortune.

What’s Next for TYLA? With her debut album on the horizon, TYLA aims to prove that her talent is genuine. She dismisses the Illuminati rumors as baseless distractions. “I’m here to make music,” she declares. “Let the world decide.”

As the spotlight intensifies, TYLA remains grounded, channeling her energy into her art. Whether she’s a rising star or an Illuminati insider, one thing is certain: TYLA’s voice will continue to captivate audiences, leaving us eagerly awaiting her next move.

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Simi Urges Wizkid and Davido to Rise Above Petty Feuds


By Criss


By SheyBlogger

May 9, 2024 – In a candid statement, Nigerian singer Simi has called out A-list artists Wizkid and Davido, urging them to put an end to their ongoing feud. The two music heavyweights have been embroiled in a public rivalry, with each claiming superiority over the other.

The Origin of the Saga

It all began when Wizkid boldly declared himself a better singer than Davido during an online exchange. The statement ignited a firestorm of reactions from fans and fellow artists alike. Simi, known for her soulful melodies and thought-provoking lyrics, has now weighed in on the matter.

Simi’s Wise Words

Simi’s message is clear: “Wizkid and Davido need to understand that they’re grown and stop this saga.” The singer-songwriter refuses to take sides but emphasizes the importance of maturity. “I see everything that’s going on,” Simi says, “but they’re grown, and when they finally realize that, they’ll sort it out.”

A Call for Reflection

As both Wizkid and Davido continue to dominate the music scene, Simi’s advice serves as a reminder that feuds and rivalries can hinder artistic growth. These artists have achieved remarkable success individually, and their talents deserve recognition without unnecessary drama.

The Teenage Trap

Simi doesn’t mince words when she refers to the behavior as reminiscent of teenagers. “Certain A-list artists need to grow up and stop acting like teenagers,” she asserts. The music industry thrives on creativity, collaboration, and mutual respect. Simi’s plea for maturity echoes the sentiments of many fans who hope to see a harmonious coexistence among their favorite artists.


In the ever-evolving landscape of Nigerian music, Simi’s wisdom shines through. Perhaps Wizkid and Davido will heed her advice and rise above the petty squabbles. As the #SheyBlogger, we’ll be keeping a close eye on how this saga unfolds. Stay tuned for updates! 🎵🔥

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Prince Harry Finds Support in Mark Dyer Amid Royal Family Tensions


By Criss


By Scarlett O’Toole, Senior US Showbiz Reporter

London, May 9, 2024 – Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, received unexpected support from his “second dad,” Mark Dyer, during an Invictus Games event held at St Paul’s Cathedral last night.

The appearance of Mark Dyer, a retired Welsh Guards officer, has raised eyebrows and sparked speculation about the dynamics within the Royal Family.

The service at St Paul’s Cathedral marked the 10-year anniversary of the Invictus Games, a sporting event founded by Prince Harry to honor wounded, injured, and sick servicemen and women. Despite being snubbed by other members of the Royal Family, Harry found solace sitting next to Mark Dyer inside the historic cathedral.

A Special Bond

Mark Dyer’s relationship with Prince Harry dates back to the aftermath of Princess Diana’s tragic death in 1997. As a key figure in the lives of both Harry and his brother, Prince William, Dyer provided emotional support during a challenging time. While their father, Prince Charles, focused on royal duties and the rehabilitation of Camilla, Dyer became a strong male presence for the young princes.

According to royal expert Tom Quinn, Mark Dyer’s decision to support Harry at the Invictus Games service reflects his belief that the Duke of Sussex needs more support than the Royal Family is willing to provide. “Dyer gets on with both brothers but has a soft spot for Harry, who he feels is misunderstood by his family,” Quinn explained. “He needs a lot more support than they were ever prepared or able to give.”

Taking Sides

The reunion between Harry and Dyer was not without risks. Quinn suggests that Dyer’s presence at the event could be interpreted as taking sides, especially by Prince William and Prince Charles. Nevertheless, Dyer’s unwavering commitment to Harry’s well-being prevailed.

“Mark Dyer is to Harry what Lord Mountbatten was to King Charles: a second father,” Quinn stated. “The boys, but especially Harry, loved his strength of character and decisiveness.”

Ginger Bond

In his memoir Spare, Prince Harry candidly shared his admiration for Mark Dyer. The two bonded over their shared ginger hair, with Harry recalling, “I was a ginger, self-conscious about it, but Marko was an extreme ginger and owned it. I gawped at him and thought: teach me to be like that.”

As tensions within the Royal Family persist, Mark Dyer’s steadfast support serves as a reminder that sometimes chosen family can be just as important as blood relatives. Whether Harry’s decision to sit next to Dyer will have broader implications remains to be seen, but it underscores the complexities of royal relationships.


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Kanye West Seemingly Pulls the Plug on Yeezy P*rn


By Criss


Kanye West has apparently abandoned his plan to launch a pornography division under his Yeezy brand.

As noted by Kurrco on Tuesday (May 7), all posts related to the announcement of “Yeezy Porn” have been removed from Ye’s X (formerly Twitter) account and YouTube page.

The decision comes after a letter from far-right political commentator Milo Yiannopoulos, who serves as Yeezy’s chief of staff, expressing his opposition to the adult-film venture.

Yiannopoulos cited concerns about his “spiritual and physical health,” referencing his past struggles with homosexuality and addiction.

“I cannot be complicit in the production or dissemination of pornographic films and literature, for moral and religious reasons,” he wrote. “But also because such material and the kind of people invariably involved in its production represent an imminent danger to my life as a recovering addict and an unacceptable risk to my spiritual and physical health as a former homosexual.”

Last month, TMZ reported that the Chicago native was
