How Gwyneth Paltrow's legal team 'bullied' a 76-year-old ski crash victim, new documentary reveals

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A new documentary has accused Hollywood star Gwyneth Paltrow of using her fame and influence to sway the jury in a ski crash trial that left a 76-year-old optometrist with broken ribs and brain damage.

The documentary, titled "Collision Course: The Untold Story of the Gwyneth Paltrow Ski Lawsuit", claims that Paltrow's legal team employed "vicious" tactics to discredit and intimidate the plaintiff, Terry Sanderson, who sued Paltrow for $3.1 million in 2019.

According to the documentary, Paltrow's lawyers hired private investigators to dig up dirt on Sanderson, threatened to expose his personal and medical records, and tried to portray him as a "greedy opportunist" who was lying about his injuries.

The documentary also alleges that Paltrow's lawyers manipulated the media and public opinion by leaking false information and painting Paltrow as the victim of a "hit and run" by Sanderson.

The documentary features interviews with Sanderson, his family, friends, and witnesses, as well as experts and journalists who covered the case. It also shows footage of the ski resort where the incident occurred, and the court proceedings where Paltrow testified.

The documentary aims to expose the "dark side" of celebrity justice, and how Paltrow's fame and fortune gave her an unfair advantage over Sanderson, who was unable to afford a high-profile lawyer or a public relations team.

The documentary concludes that Paltrow's legal team "bullied" Sanderson into dropping the case, and that the jury was "slanted" in favor of Paltrow, who was awarded a symbolic $1 in damages.

The documentary is set to premiere on Netflix on December 25, 2023.

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